There’s a tiny light inside
Only a flicker
Easily it can fade
And be extinguished
Yet we may fan it
Keep it alive
If we choose
To take time
And attend
Nurture it
And it will bring warmth
And a glow
Not only to our hearts
But also to the lives of others
Matthew 5:16 (NIV)
Elizabeth Mills is the author of In the Stillness: poems, prayers, reflections. Elizabeth describes herself as follows. “I am a Quaker. . . [and] I have always been an ecumenically minded Christian. In the past, I have facilitated times of quiet and mediation with others. I seek to live in a contemplative way and have daily times of stillness and prayer. During that time, I often write. The two seem to go hand in hand. I write reflections or prayers, sometimes the pieces have been referred to as poems. All are on the theme of prayer, silence, stillness and the inner journey seeking to follow Christ. Many of the more recent pieces end with the words, ‘This day and every day, Amen.’ ”
Elizabeth continues, “However, I also have some pages, rather different in nature. . . . They are reflections/questions about the spiritual life and our earthly journey. Each reflection asks the question ‘ What if . . .’ and asks us to think or consider something from a potentially different angle. Each reflection ends with a quotation from the Bible. . . . [The] reflections [are]divided into two parts – one looking from an earthly point of view, the other from a heavenly point of view: ‘ His Life in ours’ and ‘ our life in Him.’”
Elizabeth states: "These words have been written in times of quiet prayer, and they are offered with love. I hope that in some way these words may be helpful to you and encourage your own spiritual journey."
It is the hope of the publisher that this book may aide those who turn within seeking divine guidance to reach their destination.
About the author
Elizabeth is a qualified teacher specializing in early childhood education and working with children with special educational needs. She has been a caregiver for many years and currently works as a volunteer for the chaplaincy team in her local hospital. Elizabeth is an ecumenical Christian, and a member of the Religious Society of Friends, and she is actively involved in her local meeting for worship for healing. Her love of stillness has led her to share times of stillness with others through quiet days, Taizé worship, and guided meditations. Writing has always been part of Elizabeth’s spiritual journey as she seeks to walk a contemplative path in the midst of daily life. Her poems, prayers, and reflections have appeared in a number of periodicals, magazines, and church newsletters. Elizabeth is married with two children and lives with her husband in Dorset, England.
Now available:
100 pp.: Hardcover, ISBN 978-1-7328239-0-7, $25
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Copyright © Elizabeth Mills, 2018
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