“Paul Buckley has recently edited excellent critical editions of The Journal of Elias Hicks and of a selection of [Dear Friend] Letters and Essays of Elias Hicks . . . He has followed up with a brief summary of Hicks’ life and interpretation of Hicks’ thought in The Essential Elias Hicks. These three books add up to a monumental contribution to our understanding of a critical period in Quaker history; they should be read by everyone who has a serious interest in figuring out what Quakerism is all about and how it has come to be what it is today.”
T. Vail Palmer, Jr.
Quaker Religious Thought, number 123-124
ISBN 978-0-9834980-8-7(hardcover) $25.00
ISBN 978-0-9834980-9-4(paperback) $15.00
Dear Friend:
The Letters & Essays of Elias Hicks
ISBN 978-0-9834980-0-1 (hardcover) $45
ISBN 978-0-9834980-1-8 (paperback) $25
ISBN 978-0-9797110-4-6 (hardcover) $50,
ISBN 978-0-9797110-5-3 (paperback)$30
The Essential Elias Hicks
Dear Friend: the Letters & Essays of Elias Hicks
The Journal of Elias Hicks
Cloth covered $84
Paperback $49
Plus $10 shipping & handling
California residents’ sales tax 8.75%
Copyright © Paul Buckley, 2013
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