Special Offer on Three Editions from Inner Light Books

by Paul Buckley

The Essential Elias Hicks   Dear Friend    Journal of Elias Hicks

“Paul Buckley has recently edited excellent critical editions of The Journal of Elias Hicks and of a selection of [Dear Friend] Letters and Essays of Elias Hicks . . . He has followed up with a brief summary of Hicks’ life and interpretation of Hicks’ thought in The Essential Elias Hicks. These three books add up to a monumental contribution to our understanding of a critical period in Quaker history; they should be read by everyone who has a serious interest in figuring out what Quakerism is all about and how it has come to be what it is today.”

T. Vail Palmer, Jr.
Quaker Religious Thought, number 123-124

The Essential Elias Hicks

ISBN 978-0-9834980-8-7(hardcover) $25.00
ISBN 978-0-9834980-9-4(paperback) $15.00

Dear Friend:
The Letters & Essays of Elias Hicks

ISBN 978-0-9834980-0-1 (hardcover) $45
ISBN 978-0-9834980-1-8 (paperback)  $25

The Journal of Elias Hicks

ISBN 978-0-9797110-4-6 (hardcover) $50,
ISBN 978-0-9797110-5-3 (paperback)$30


Special offer: buy all three books and receive a 30% discount

The Essential Elias Hicks
Dear Friend: the Letters & Essays of Elias Hicks
The Journal of Elias Hicks

Cloth covered $84
Paperback        $49
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Copyright © Paul Buckley, 2013

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