Ann Preston (1813-1872) is best known as a medical pioneer and nineteenth century Quaker activist. Though Cousin Ann’s Stories for Children is one hundred and sixty-two years old, it still speaks to contemporary concerns and moral perspectives. In its address “To My Little Readers” she explains, “I thought I would write a little book, and that would be a good way to speak with you, though I am far away.” What Cousin Ann speaks of is eating healthily, avoiding tobacco, abhorring slavery, treating others generously and honestly as well as appreciating the bounty and beauty of God's creation.
Richard Beards, Ph. D., editor has a B.A. from Dartmouth College and a Ph.D in English from the University of Washington, Seattle. He has taught at Temple University in Philadelphia since 1964, specializing in Victorian Studies and Children’s Literature and Folklore.
Stevie French, illustrator & designer, graduated with honors from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2008. Her previous work includes writing and illustrating Lizzie Fox-Top.
Now available:
Hardcover, ISBN 978-0-9797110-8-4, 38 pages, $20
Paperback, ISBN 978-0-9797110-9-1, 38 pages, $12